Bharat QR Code

Bharat QR code is a Universal Interoperable QR Code for payments supporting VISA/MasterCard/RuPay credit card/debit cards on customer smartphone without carrying and swiping physical card. With Oxigen Micro-ATM, enhanced version of Bharat QR Code is made available to our merchants where merchant enters payment amount and each time the display shows a unique Bharat QR Code which includes also amount of payment.

Customer simply needs to scan this QR code from the smartphone and use his MPIN/Password/Touch-ID as defined by their bank to authorize payment for VISA/MasterCard/RuPay Debit/Credit cards. With Oxigen Micro-ATM, the merchant need not display the standard Bharat QR code on his shop which does not include payment amount in the QR code information and may lead to incorrect payment amount entered by the customer.

A customer needs his bank mobile app with which to pay and that happens in just a click. There’s more! Customer gets a receipt of each transactions just like card swipe transaction.

Bharat QR