IRCTC Ticket
As per new IRCTC rules applicable from 25th Sep’2019, for any Manual Cancellation or Auto Cancellation of IRCTC Waiting List ticket, the IRCTC Rail Agent is now required to verify this cancellation, through OTP validation through SMS received on the Customer’s phone.

Follow the steps below to Verify Cancellation of Ticket

Oxigen 1

Login at and go to the My Transactions section to see all transactions like booked or cancelled tickets on your dashboard.

Oxigen 2

Select the ticket which needs to cancelled, and then clicks on Cancel E-Ticket. For Both Manual cancellation & waiting ticket cancellation, you will find ‘Verify’ button corresponding to cancelled tickets.

Oxigen 3

Clicks on the ‘Verify’ button and a pop-up window will be open. An OTP will be sent at the customer's mobile number which was used at the time of ticket booking. Please enter this OTP in the pop-up screen and then click on submit.

Oxigen 4

Once OTP get successfully verified, click on ‘Cancel’ button. The cancelled ticket amount will be updated in TA balance post completion of the cancel ticket verification.

The following points should be noted while verify the cancel ticket through OTP validation.

  • As per IRCTC new guidelines, for retrieving the amount of cancelled ticket, rail agent needs to submit the customer consent in the form of OTP.
  • At the time of booking/reservation of ticket, retailer need to use the correct mobile number of customers.
  • If entered OTP by Oxirail Agent is incorrect, an error “Incorrect OTP” message will be pop-up on the screen & thereafter, Rail Agent is required to enter the correct OTP.
  • If OTP is not received on the customer mobile number then rail agent can click on ‘Resend’ button available at the Pop-up window for resending the OTP.
  • Oxirail Agent can resend the OTP on customer mobile number 3 times in a day & max 9 times for 3 days including the date of cancellation.
  • Validation of OTP can happen 5 times in a day & max 15 times for 3 days, including the date of cancellation, which means if Oxirail Agent enters incorrect OTP more than 5 times in a day then whole day he would not be able to enter the OTP again.
  • In any case, Oxirail Agent click on “Cancel” E-ticket by submitting the Oxirail ref number & Web vendor code & submit it, then the ticket will be cancelled & reversal amount of that cancelled ticket would be on hold.
  • OTP validation duration would be 3 days from the time of cancellation, means Oxirail Agent is required to validate the OTP post cancellation of ticket within 3 days including date of the ticket cancellation. If not verified, the cancelled ticket amount will be kept on hold.
  • If Oxirail agent clicks on ‘resending button’ for resending the OTP, then resent OTP will be valid till 72 hrs. Even if, Rail agent requests for resend OTP during the above period, same OTP will be sent.
  • Currently the timeline of OTP validation period is extended for 3 to 30 days. For example, for 25-Sep-2019 cases limit is extended till 25-Oct-2019 (T+29th day).

For any queries Email or WhatsApp 8929270376
